Saturday, October 10, 2009

Octoba Feeva (Day 10)

The best thing about dressing up as Oopspoops the Poop Zombie is when you realize other people don't get it and are probably disgusted.

Oopspoops is a zombie that eats crap instead of flesh. She will tear into yr body to get to yr digestive system in a revolting attempt to eat the poop as it's being formed. Like any other zombie, her bite is infectious and will turn you into a poop zombie as well. She is without a doubt the most horrifying creature I have ever encountered. She started off as dimwitted sex symbol and pop superstar Kelly Spears, but was at some point infected with "DooDooBrown", a top secret virus being developed by the Micronesian military as part of their "Biological Warfare and Dieting" program. No one knows for sure how Spears was infected, but upon transforming into the poop monster she went on a rampage at a concert in London in 2008. 1,233 people were killed or infected before the situation was contained. All the poop zombies were killed, except for Spears, who remains at large (and hungry).

Since Halloween is often about scaring people I think Oopspoops would be the perfect costume. But BEWARE! Because a poop zombie apocalypse is still a very real possibility police and military forces all over the world have direct orders to SHOOT ON SIGHT should they encounter Oopsie.

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