Saturday, January 10, 2009

Architeuthis terrestris

Last night I had a dream that Greenhouse and I were in the supermarket and we walked by the lobster tank, but inside it weren't lobsters, but hundreds of tiny squid. Could this be the call of Cthulhu? I sure as hell hope not. I love him and all, but that guy's a creep.

Tonight I'm probably going to Lowell with Greenhouse. We will be avoiding all supermarkets. I'm bringing my sunglasses in case, y'know, I have to be in public in a "condition". I'm not going into any more detail than that.

I have done NOTHING to promote my SGFA this week. I think my drug addict superhero costume is going to be inspired by a bumblebee (with a special kind of glee). I think a squid would be more appropriate, but that'll take forever, and above all else I am a lazy slag.


  1. i'm glad that on saturday not only did we go to the grocery store, we went to the grocery store twice.
    technically 3 times if you count when we listened to hollywood hulk hogan on tape.

  2. Hollywood Hogan on tape... I wish I could come up with some witticism that could describe how I feel about it. Perplexed/Blown away...
